Realism/Intensity Enhancements v1.5

-TRACERS REMOVED FOR ALL GUNS EXCEPT MG42 AND FG42to improve realism, the tracers for all weapons aside from the mg42 and fg42have been removed. this was acheived by disabling the original tracers and adding a "fake" tracer effect to the muzzleflash of the aforementioned weapons-NEW TRACERS FOR MG42 AND FG42a new, more realistic, tracer effect, one akin to that of the AA guns.-ALL NEW BULLET HITSALL bullet hit particle effects have been revamped for realism. smoke and dustwill now remain present for longer and appear to flow with the wind. snow and waterhits produce a much more impressive effect now.-ALL NEW MUZZLEFLASHESALL muzzleflashes have been revamped for realism. they are no longer as brightand, like in real life, the flash may not always be visible after every shot. bolt actionrifles now only emit an actual muzzleflash occasionally, while fully automatic weaponsflash more often. a small to large amount of smoke has been added based on the caliber of the gun.-BULLET SHELLS SMALLER-BULLET HOLES SMALLERmost of the bullet hole sizes have been lowered to improve realism.-BULLET HOLES STAY LONGERbullet holes will now remain visible almost 50 times longer than before.-BULLET SHELLS STAY LONGERbullet shells will now remain visible for 30 to 40 seconds.-NEW GRENADE EXPLOSIONSgrenades have had their explosion type switched to "rocket" rather than grenade.produces a more satisfying and realistic effect.-ALL NEW SOUNDS FROM SAVING PRIVATE RYANalthough originally the sound pack had the most *realistic* sounds available, it hasnow been switched out for the more satisfying sounds of saving private ryan. all ofthese sounds have been edited to improve realism (ie sonic booms have been addedwhere necessary). this sound pack may be temporary as i will probably replace itwith a truly realistic one in the future.-SOUND VOLUME INCREASED DRAMATICALLYguns and explosions are now much louder, and will drown out all lesser sounds(like they should)-NEW BLOOD PUFF (DUST INSTEAD OF BLOOD)a very SPRish dust puff effect now replaces the old blood puff. the dust will shoot out and hang in the air for a few moments before dissipating.-NEW DAMAGE TABLEhead, torso, arm, and leg shots will usually kill in one shot. hands and feet willusually not kill in one shot. i would like to alter the wounded animations so thatthe ai stays "hurt" longer, but do not know enough about that.-"MASHER" GRENADES COOKsame old same old, only now only the russian and german grenades will cook.-GRENADE THROW DISTANCE LOWEREDgrenades can now only be thrown have as far/-WEAPONS TWEAKED DRAMATICALLY (RATES OF FIRE, FIRE TIME, AMMO LOADOUTS)loadouts on all weapons reduced to close-to-realistic numbers.all weapons' rates of fire set to real life ratesm1 garand reloads slower, has a slightly reduced rate of fire.-IRON SIGHTS NO LONGER ZOOMto improve realism, the iron sights no longer cause a zooming effect. this allowsmore freedom while moving with sights up as well as being much less disorienting.-NO CROSSHAIRto promote the use of iron sights, as well as to improve realism, crosshairs havebeen removed.-NO HUD AT ALLthe HUD has been completely removed. i suggest you have played through thegame a few times if you're going to use this (no compass)thanks to soonudie.-FROM HIP ACCURACY GREATLY REDUCEDweapons are now much less accurate from the hip, also to promote use of theiron sights when accuracy is needed.-SHELLSHOCK EFFECTS BASED ON DAMAGE TAKENwhen you take a small amount of damage you now suffer minor shellshock (visuals, no audio changes)while taking a large amount of damage causes full-on mortar shellshock (only shorter)surprisingly this was already in IW's code but they never implemented it.-AI WILL USE GRENADES MORE OFTENthanks to wycop.-STARTING WEAPONS REDUCED TO ONE PRIMARY FOR EACH MAPnow you will start with only one primary on any singleplayer map. i chose the mostcommon weapons to start with (ie garand for americans).-RUNNING SPEED DECREASED-BOB AMOUNT WHILE RUNNING INCREASEDyou now bob up and down much more than before, giving the appearance of an actual run.thanks to soonudie-TANK/AA GUN EXPLOSIONS MADE MORE REALISTICthe horribly stupid giant flame explosions have been done away with for a much smallermore realistic explosion.-PANZERFAUST PROJECTILE MADE MUCH FASTER + HAS SMOKE REMOVED FOR REALISMpanzerfausts no longer have a smoke trail, and fly much faster.


Gamefiles Added Downloads (6.37 MB) 06.05.2012 137

Category: Call of Duty - Mods
Added on 06.05.2012 by Robert (Last update on 09.11.2013)

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