Millitary mod 1.1

Mit dem Military Mod 1.1 für die Expansion Age of Mythology: Titans könnt Ihr große Schlachten austragen.

- All units count as 1 population
- At the moment greek units have been upgraded (will be upgrading other civilization in future versions)
- Toxotes now have atlantean arcus bow and hoplites now have a sword
- Walls are cheaper
- Walls start with 7,000hp
- Seige units have also been upgraded due to the need of units to destroy walls
- Walls are more ressistant to pierce and hack
- Towers have extra hp
- Towers have better range and attack
- There is 100 limit on the amount of towers you can build
- Fortresses are cheaper
- There is 100 limit to the amount of forts you can build
- Anti units are now well balanced


Gamefiles Added Downloads (3.34 MB) 28.05.2012 101

Category: Age of Mythology: The Titans - Mods
Added on 28.05.2012 by Robert (Last update on 09.11.2013)

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